Friday, June 3, 2011

Jamie Olivers Food Revolution S02E03 Season 2 Episode 3

Here is the long awaited latest episode on second season of Jamie Olivers adventure in trying to change the food system in America, predominantly in the grade/secondary school curriculum. Showing was scheduled to be in May, but pushed to June, because the circumstances in this show are real and Jamie is having a hard time to deal with authorities, and pushing forward to get funding or access to do his work and get his word across.

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Underated movies people should consider viewing

There are so many movies out there that others haven't seen due to competition of other more popular new film releases or the theme and premise of the movie shown in trailers to be unappealing to the general audience. I personally found some gems that some of you may like.

Dancer in the Dark

I love to dance, but for some reason i don't seem to enjoy musicals in movies all to much, except for old Disney films but that's mostly due to childhood nostalgia. Now after all these years i can say there is one film of the musical genre that i had the pleasure of enjoying. I gotta say that Bjork is a very good actress. If this was not an independent film she would be in contention for an Oscar award, for a musician to make a transition to film and put out a performance like that is impressive. However i should also credit Lars von Trier who did a great job in putting it all together, he has proven to be a very good director, and his work is consistently proving to be top notch similar to Christopher Nolan. I think in a year or so he will be just as famous as Mr Nolan. Please all of you who want to give musicals a try check it out, you won't be disappointed.

Count of Monte Cristo

Count of Monte Cristo is another popular adventure adaptation by the famous french writer Alexandre Dumas, père. Well I'm not entirely sure how famous he is but he is the one who created the story of the Three Musketeers, and Twenty Years After (i don't think there is a film on this story, i could be wrong here). This films is the 2002 adaptation directed by Kevin Reynolds. It is a romantic adventure taking place in France, Italy, and the Islands around the Mediterranean, the focuses on the relationship of 2 best friends Fernand Mondego and Edmond Dantes, the movie touches on justice, hope, mercy, vengeance and forgiveness.

There will be more, i keep y'all posted.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Jon Stewart vs Bill O Reilly Round 2

Man i have a hard time understanding how Bill even got on air sometimes, his intelligence is really at question over these debates. His science vs religion arguments and how the tides come in and out, is beyond retarded. I'm with the belief that O Reilly is actually so intelligent that he hides it by acting a fool to get ratings, only problem is it does a disservice to the American people who actually listen to him. I also think in his quest to create this persona he most likely lost himself and became a douche bag ever since. Anyways here is Jon Stewart tearing him a new anus.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Arthur Abraham vs Andre Ward

The fight between the two top super middleweight fighters was great, i watched it to see how this super six competition is going to play out. I gotta say the super middleweight division is looking good, there are still a lot more stories waiting to be told. Once this super six competition end it will create new ranking of up and coming and season fighters alike. For one the potential rematch between jean pascal and Bernard Hopkins and Carl Froch. also I'm sure Froch wants a crack at Kessler himself again for giving him his one loss. Not many people are keen in the middleweight fights because the personalities of many of these fighters with the exception of Carl are not so charming. The dynamic between all these elite fighters in this weight division is still stale, but the matchmaking is stellar, so for all the boxing fans this is a division to set eyes on for the next two years. Andre Ward is also adjusting his fighting style since his amateur days and coming along, hopefully he can be the next bright star and bring in many classic fights to come. In the meantime we gotta wait, and focus on the smaller weight divisions with the likes of maidana, amir, sergio, williams, mayweather and many other.

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Are human beings dangerous?

We have proven to be the most destructive beings on this planet. We are by nature very hubris, and arrogant, with our intelligence we can get away with many things in this earth and do great damage wherever we set path to. However our fundamental primitive instinctive behaviors is not much different then that of other animals, we are animals our selves. For all that we accomplished throughout our existence as homo sapiens, we are capable of being the most dangerous things out there.

However on a physical level, without our technological gadgets or any other sophisticated tool, we are relatively harmless as individuals. A considerable number of animals and other organisms can kill us rather easily. As a group we are highly effective and very dangerous to deal with.

Intellectual Source go here

Friday, May 13, 2011

Nostalgia Time

Remember going to your friends house to play Super Mario Kart for the Super Nintendo? Well me and my friends dug out the ole emulator and went to it playing one of the greatest games back in the day. Now i can't get the Koopa music out of my damn head.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Mother of Dance

I actually saw a dance video of Martha Graham at school as a kid, this was just a few months in since immigrating to Canada. I did not understand the dance, until i befriended a friend who was a contemporary dancer, it was then that i revisited my memories of the dance video long ago. I like dancing, the very nature of dance is fascinating to me, it is like another form of language, the movements become your communication. Nobody did this better then Martha Graham who is considered the Mother of Dance. The homage to her as seen on Google should illustrate how important she was in the world of dance, she choreographed over 180 dances. How she translates words to dance is so easy to understand yet profoundly philosophical at the same time, she was a deep thinker and had a beautiful mind. It is a novelty to see her dances in person back in the day, as she never allowed recordings of her work at play.