Thursday, March 31, 2011

For those average joes that do not know who is Alistair Overeem

It is no secret i enjoy watching MMA, it is the growing sport in the world today, and aside from it being an exciting sport, there is much to learn from martial arts, and average joes should take note of this.

Anyways today i want to talk about Alistair Overeem who currently is the strikeforce heavyweight champion, also holds the dream heavyweight championship belt, and the prestigious K-1 Grand Prix Heavyweight belt. He is the only fighter to hold world class belts in 2 different fighting disciplines, one in MMA and another in kickboxing, quite historical.

He is famous in Europe and japan, but very little is known about him in North America. He is a rising star, and will prove his worth soon enough. I cannot stress enough how well put his biography is in his quest to his achieving the highest honor in the fight game. The videos are here on The Reem Website. You can follow him through all the media outlets, and buy his merchandise there. Also I will be posting his season 2 of his biography in coming to America. Stay tuned folks.

The Reem part 2 from THE REEM on Vimeo.

part 1 of season 2


part 2 of season 2


Wednesday, March 30, 2011

The Ultimate Fighter Season 13

new season starts for the The ultimate fighter franchise. Here we have coaches Brock Lesnar and Junior Dos Santos, squaring off as coaches in this new exciting installment of the ultimate fighter. Average Joes want some violent show to watch, you will need to watch this.

Watch live video from mmg12 on

if this feed is not showing good quality to watch Click here, to view the alternative back up video.

Average Joes (who live in canada) are you thinking of getting married?

There is a great photographer who specializes in wedding photography. If you happen to reside in Vancouver, BC up in Canada. Or choose to marry there seek for his professional service. Here is his blogs for those wanting to know more, you also get to see his work and judge for yourself if he is the right fit for you.

For the Average Joe who has babies.

Here is a gem on you tube on kids actually communicating with DA DA DA, apparently this understanding is innate as one can understand the other. Either that or they can read each others body language sub consciously.

part 2

Average Joe on his day off

When we work hard, contributing to society, we average joes need a break, whether it is on our day off, or we are unemployed wasting time. If you do have access to the internet, you most definitely viewed the big time waster sites such as you tube, and other forums of your interest. Well here for the day i will provide you some nice gems of human creativity i have found on you tube, and boy oh boy does you tube have many gems.

Average Joes who appreciate the growing sport of MMA

Okay, i am a huge boxing fan, but have grown to love MMA as well. Average Joes should take interest in combat sports because we need to know the art of combat to protect ourselves when nothing is available to us, also it is an innate quality in all of us to want to see who are the best fighters out there with fighting spirit, they demonstrate throughout the chaotic violence discipline in training, motivation, lack of fear, and tenacity to reach to the top and become champion of their domain, or you can just see it as Alpha Male macho stuff. I been watching fights since the pride days, way back in 2001. Here are the legends of the previous generation. This is backstage to fights in the now defunct PRIDE organization held in japan, it was truly in my opinion the greatest mixed martial arts organization to date, now being held by UFC, however i have to say the presentation of PRIDE and its fighter roster was very entertaining and unique. Here are videos for all of you to enjoy, back in the day. Remember the great Fedor said that he was nothing special, he trained hard with his average genetics and made the most out of his abilities, so he is the super average joe, see we have it in all of us fellow joes.

Here is Alistair Overeem having fun with quinton rampage, playing game of their video game characters. For those that don't know Alistair will be known soon enough within 2011 or as early as 2012 here in America if he solidifies himself by winning a few more fights, he has potential. However what many do not know is he has been in the fight days back when he was very young, and a lot lighter. You will notice his physique from then to now, it is impressive.

Overeem now holds championship belts in K-1, Strikeforce (now bought by the UFC), and Dream. He has had his fair of losses, but to come back and improve beyond many peoples expectations is impressive to say the least.

Here is another video of the legendary cro cop back when he was in his prime, and rutheless, #2 pound for pound fighter at the time, fighting top ten opponent Josh Barnett, for spot to be the number one contender to face the king of all fighters in MMA at the time Fedor Emelianenko.

Here is the rematch of Wanderlei Silva vs Cro Cop. Here Cro Cop has grown as an MMA fighter coming out of K-1 and the heavily undersized Wanderley would not get his way like he did the first fight, tough tough guy nonetheless.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

New 12-year-old Genius Jacob Barnett

this young guy, solved thousands of jigsaw puzzles at the age of 3, and understand things, and reason logically much faster then the rest of us, putting him several steps ahead of his peers and even prestigious intellectual adults. Who is Jacob Barnett. CBS did an article on him check it out.

No worries average men working day and night making the world move, he will better our lives indirectly by solving complex equations, and we must show support.

Average Joe needs to listen to music.

With the new found horrid of which is Rebecca Blacks new video "Friday" god wtf is this shit. We Average Joes need to know what is good music, and recognize true talent. For those that don't know take a look at... See how long you can last.

See what i mean?...

Anyways, well these youtube orchestra group called ForOrchestra do renditions of popular music upon the listeners request. They do a good job. Here is the viral music "Never Gonna Give You Up" by Rick Roll.

support these guys, this is talent my friends. Average Joes party on.

Average Joe needs some ways to make food money

So people have been looking for residual incomes, or passive incomes for a long time, to aid in their payoff of debt, and pay of bills, and make life more affordable and enjoyable to live. Everyone is trying to look for an easy way to make passive income. I offer you a simple website that is as simple as it gets, all you have to do is use yoru life experience to help others, it involves hardwork, and discipline, other then that there is no learning curve you have to worry about like blog flipping or any stuff like that.

this site is gaining popularity and generating traffic soon, those that are a part of this community will benefit from it the more people on it, the more traffic, equals more money for the site and more traffic to your questions and answers, you make a Google ad-sense account so you can start generating money after you pass the 100 bill mark Google will send you a check for 100 bucks. To reach that money is another story, it requires you to offer advice to others and also you have to ask a lot of questions and answer a lot of questions, people in this website can make upwards to 1000 a month or more, they are the truly dedicated who have been at it for awhile, and incomes come in, the more you your questions are out there the more traffic you generate. Get yourself started

Monday, March 28, 2011

Average Joe who likes videogames

I enjoy video games as much as the next guy, but luckily for those who enjoy to watch others play or get a taste of what the game play is like, there are a few sponsored testers now in you tube. My favorite to view when i want to see what new quality games are out there, is from tester Rydar Games. He makes quality walk through with normal difficulty for one to gauge the challenge a game may be. There is no narration just the game, so for those annoyed by testers talking about whats going on, then you can rejoice. You can even ask him for future requests on games you want to see before you make the big step of purchasing it yourself.

visit for more information and you can play more games while you waste time at work or at home.

If you want to see Rydar Games walk throughs go to

Average Broz

Shout out to Average Broz, my new favorite weight lifting academy in North America. Here is where we may finally see a break through in weight lifting training, and actually grant us the possibility of seeing a few Americans rise up the rankings, probably even more in the future. The unique plan to use the Bulgarian System in a way that suits the average person is genius by Mr Broz, many who attend the gym demonstrate strength feats we average joes thought possible, fortunately you can learn it to. Join his website to learn more, his philosophy is sound. If you all want a shortcut to wanting to be bigger stronger faster, sorry there will be none of that, just handwork like everything else in life.

here are strength feats by those attending his gym.

Pat Mendes is the future star, and he is still a young man, plenty of time to improve be on the look out for him folks. Here is another young guy who is new to the game and is already a big talent Rob Adell doing some nice deep squats, the way it should be done.

This is achievable believe me, you need dedication, hard work, good nutrition to get healthy, and fearlessness to excel beyond what you think is possible. Not just in weights but in anything you desire in life, you need to work hard, no ifs ands or buts.

Friday, March 11, 2011

For all the joes out there that have trouble getting out of the Friendzone, here are tips to not fall in that abyss in the first place

How Do I Avoid The Friend zone?

The friend zone is a horrible trap unless you actually want to be friends. But wait we are talking about finding love here, the kind of love we guys want your not gonna find in friendship, lets face it, you have plenty of friends, and whats another one going to do for you, unless they are your wing man or wing woman, then yeah, but when you want a girlfriend or a wife, husband or boyfriend, no this is not ways to go about it. It is most commonly sprung not by the woman, but by the man on accident. Instead of having the confidence to be obvious that he is attracted to the girl, he allows his fear of rejection to control him so much that he instead keeps his attraction secret. He then moves in closer to the girl under the disguise of just friends when he really is interested in more. This, leads to friend zone.

You see my fellow joes, women decide fairly quickly whether or not they would want to consider you as a romantic partner or not. Within the first few meetings they will certainly have an idea on whether or not they see you as potential. If a woman decides that quickly on whether or not she sees you as “potential” or as a “friend”, then what is the point or purpose of spending much more time with her before finding out where you stand?

A lot of guys spend weeks, months, and sometimes years hanging out with a girl he secretly is crushing on. If her mind was made up on him 2 weeks in, then what is he doing 1, or 2 year later still crushing and still clueless as to whether or not he has a chance? What if she decided early on that she only views him as a friend? What the heck was he doing to himself sitting there developing a bigger and bigger crush over the course of a year? He’d have wasted a years worth of his time, that’s what he is doing to himself.

It is very important to find out where you stand openly and honestly with a girl very early on. If you have a romantic attraction to her, you need to pursue her romantically, not hang out as pals until you’re comfortable or to wait for her to send a sign and make a move. That’s not how chemistry is build, that’s how it’s destroyed. This is how friend zone happens.

It all comes back to how you respect yourself. Self respect is very important for a person, it enables you to unlock what is already there, it gives you purpose and it arises conviction in your actions. If you respect yourself then you know that you deserve more than to crush on her secretly and waste time not finding out if there is a future. A man with a healthy level of Self Respect will not tolerate wasting his time, he’s got his life to worry about.

The way to avoid friend zone is refuse to be just friends. If you make it clear early on, “I’ve got enough friends, I’m interested in seeing you.” Then you won’t be friend zoned (don't do this literally guys, this must be implied). Also if you are in a first date, just literally be yourself, try to relax yourself, yet use actions to dictate the mood and how things should go, flirting and body contact are important but that's different subject entirely. If she is interested and you make it clear without any doubt that you are, then you end up dating. If she isn’t interested then you move on and do not become friends. Just part ways respectfully and that’s that. If you still want her as friends, only do it if you are over it. If you will still end up wondering if there is a chance, get out. It’s done. In order to get you back she’s going to have to prove she’s had a change of heart otherwise you’re putting yourself at risk and a man with Self Respect won’t allow that to happen.

Be upfront. I’ve seen guys say, “I’ve tried hinting that I like her”. Wrong. You do not hint. You straight up ask the girl out or say something to her that tells her straight up how it is. Just remember one thing, Never Confess Your Feelings. This is important. You shouldn’t be telling a girl just how much you’re crushing on her, not at least until you’re in an exclusive relationship for a period of time, or until you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that she also has a major crush on you. If things are equal, then it would be safe to discuss that type of thing.

 If you fall in these kind circumstances, try not to over think things, it will just cause you misery, you will analyze everything and it will paralyze your actions. Just go out there and just put yourself out of your comfort zone, experience will dictate your progress in the date game, you need to know that you will fail, but you will not die, you can always get back up. When you find out you have nothing to fear, it will become second nature to approach women, as you become less tense, your mind gets more focused with clarity, things go smoothly and soon you will have opportunities not just for having a girlfriend, but meeting people all kinds of different people you wouldn't have met otherwise.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

How to properly use Plenty of Fish, if you are not a model (mainly for guys)

  Living in Vancouver, Canada i can tell you this province is particularly savvy in computer tech. Nonetheless because of this, online culture is vast and rampant and the dating world is quickly going online. Vancouver is the province of Bachelors, for many reasons or another people have become very picky in selecting who they want to date, it has become the Los Angelas of Canada.

  First off when you sign, onto this site, if you want to take it seriously and not be a spam man or play find the crazies lol, then you need at least 2 pictures. Spammers can have usually only one pic, hacked by someones account, stolen on the web, or friends playing pranks on their friends, plenty of fish seems to be a good prank site for the hopelessly romantic.

  While filling out your profile, do not try to bull shit your qualities to much, because it is real people you are dealing with, and one way or another your profile tells them who you are, and they will use what they read about you in a conversation, so if they find out the many lies you put down, that may be a deal breaker, as trust is important in any relationship. This is relatively simple to understand but people still do it, to appease their pretentious minds.

 It is a numbers game, and psychologically you will have to deal with rejection. So you have to pump out those messages like your doing Articling (or whatever they call it in Law School). I know guys are not good at this, since women i have spoken to personally who use the site frequently, even those on the site itself state on their PROFILE how men should stop writing back angry messages for reasons being why they are not being responded to, so pay attention to whats written on the profile. You can only imagine now how they deal with rejection in the real world, could possibly not even ask women out if they know they will feel this way. So in other words be prepared to face rejection A LOT of rejection. Because this medium is online, LOOKS and aesthetic BEAUTY, and whatever pictures any people can see and relate to give that instant attraction, it is profoundly one of the most important qualities unfortunately to have on the site for the unfortunate. Being beautiful has its great advantages if your woman and a man, you just put your profile there with mundane sentences and the people will come in droves with messages. However we are humans, and as such attraction we see attraction in many forms, not just appearance but in what we pride ourselves in best our brains, the mind itself.

 So you dont look like tyrese or brad pitt, not even close to looking like ryan gosling if you take pictures from an angle either, or get that perfect pose like Kim Kardashian and other starlets. However if you can write like Ernest Hemingway, or Charles Bukowski you can potentially become the next Hank Moody. Even if you cannot write good, eventually if you put in enough effort and write creative elements about yourself to the person you are writing to, they will appreciate it and write you back and a conversation will ensue. The goal here is to keep it around a few messages before asking someone out, to build enough rapport and trust to meet in person. This can be tricky for men, if they rush things, the woman will feel pressured, and if you take to long, she assumes your not very romantic and can possibly be boring, thus starts losing interest. If you can find some method of writing that gets attention, stick to that and revise, refine it according to the women you meet, do not try to copy word for word either because they will know, women complain a lot about copy and paste messages from guys. Creativity is key.

  For guys in particular put effort into your profile as if it was your provincial finals for English exams. Or your Essays at the university level if you have the ability to do so. Do not pay to much attention to the women that have an ever ending list of what a man needs, don't feel compelled to call her out either it is a waste of energy, let people figure out the troubles for themselves they dont need strangers pointing it out for them. If you feel the list is ridiculous for the requirements they want in a man, just simply move on, as you get used to this it will make it easier to move on when dating in the real world. Sometimes you will meet users with unrealistic qualifications or expectations to meet someone, often times the vices they say they hate, is the vices they themselves portray when you actually get to know them, so study the profile carefully before you attempt on the quest dating them. If you follow with your penis, and you end up meeting the girl and find out she is a crazy, well you did not read the profile well enough. As for ladies, its relatively easy to spot a douche, if you pay attention to the pictures and interests (eg style of clothing, ed hardy, other kinds of colorful clothing etc). Also his writing style, and what he is looking for, often hang outs you can find a great number of douches lurking in this category. The fortunate thing with women is mens profile are direct in and of itself so you get what you read...Almost.

  "Looking for" this is very important thing to look for in the profiles as well, when you see users while searching you can often see what category they are looking for, and people that want to get laid are usually in the 'hang out" category. "Other relationships" and "intimate encounter", or also categories for the hedonistic man, the only edge you can have in these categories is if you are very attractive or good at writing dirty talk, the average joe usually stick to "hangouts" where you have a higher chance of meeting someone not as picky, and expectations are not so high since the bulk of users put themselves in this category anyway. "Activity Partner" is for those wanting to meet acquaintances or potential friends to do extra curricular activity with outdoor activities perhaps, this category also houses the implied horny crowd to if you look hard enough, if that's what your into. For the most part though, if you want to attempt to gather friends to go hiking then you venture into the "activity partner". "Friendship" is just how it is stated friendship. This category just like "Long term", means that users here are genuinely looking to invest in someone potentially being a commitment, you will not find the majority of people in this category as the majority of plenty of fish users are in it to predominantly get laid, sometimes the "Long Term" can even be deceptive for those just wanting to get laid, the trick is in reading the PROFILES. The tricksters in this site are the ones looking for a bang bang thank you mam sort of crowd.

 When you look at the ladies picture profiles, be sure to see ques if she is overweight. If she is taking bathroom pics from a distance chances are she may be a butter face where she looks good from far, bad up close, or a banging body and not so good face. If they take pictures from above, this also means they might be packing, since the angle of the shot hides their stomach, but the breasts are visible. Basically if they pose in ways it hides the midsection you have been warned.

 For women the site is relatively easy to use, so the article is more based on the men, also i can only speak of this site for the demographic and experience whom i have talked to in the place i reside which is Canada. If this is absurd to you in new york, it may also be because it is New York and people go about things differently, then here. I am open to suggestions on how online dating should be interpreted, remember these are my observations and tips on what you can do to improve your odds of dating on this site.


some fundamentals to the weight training game to understand.

  Over the years, like many people i tried to improve myself in the gym, not only to get in shape, but to do something that i can feel proud of in order to improve my confidence, stay healthy, and yet stay competitive in sports i liked to challenge myself in. However it was always about getting fit, and eventually it stressed my motivation levels, i needed purpose to go to the gym, going there forcing myself just made me want to think of it less, let alone go and actually do it. The philosophy behind my motivation is part of the reason why i am a better person today. 

  Everyone needs something to feel proud of, a sense of belonging if you will, pride in your efforts and talent perhaps? Who knows we all have our reasons. In every human being the need to achieve mastery is one of our glories we hold dear and virtuous, it builds confidence and conviction in people. Of course all know as people how easy it is to confide in those who are confident. Your mood will improve as you get in shape, and naturally you learn ways to improve your eating habits which in turn aids in your health even more so. Exercise is one of many ways to improve that mental fortitude, but i stress the fact that it is a necessity and not a luxury to exercise to make yourself healthier, it is imperative to do this. Why stop their though? even if you are fit, your body of work is never done, it can always adapt. To help you stay motivated one should always strive to gradually adapt yourself and grow in ways, you feel like you are born anew. Your body is no different then your mind, you learn intelligently complex skills to improve your ability to think with reason and logic, whereas you train your body to get stronger, faster, more durable to prolong yourself in this world.

  Before i became a weight room instructor i needed to get out of my comfort zone from the typical fitness gym you commonly see located in various areas of the city. I eventually ventured to private type, garage type gyms that were solely built for the bodybuilders,athletes, and strongmen alike. These guys were all intimidating not only in appearance but also performance wise, the amount of weight lifted was astounding, for someone used to seeing the average person lift mediocre weights, the weights lifted by these guys gave me a shock indeed. As i started training with them i saw, that with understanding of periodizations programs, fundamental basics of progression in weight training, and realizing the simplicity rather then complex methods of training it was achievable to perform the feats these guys were doing. Fortunately the average person you typically see in the gym is capable of being just like all these strong individuals, its no secret on how they train. What the difference tends to be though is mindset, these guys had a drive and motivation to succeed, not only in the weight-room, but in life. Going back on philosophy though, once you start seeing results and improvement that mindset comes on automatically for anyone.

 What i first noticed is trends. Personal Trainers who have a lot of influence on the general public on what they should be training for the best results seem to focus to much on trends, right now its the P90x, before this it was all the bosu balls and exercise while balancing. At some point for the men it was the craze on the 300 workout done by the actors in the movie 300. These are no different then new diet crazes, but that's a whole other topic entirely. Weight training is not very complex, it does get complicated slightlyas one gets stronger, faster, and in better shape then the average joe, the good news though it is not overly profound in that nobody would realize what they are really capable of. I will provide some simple examples or exercises anyone that is capable, who has no history shoulder, knee problems, or hips and back injury. (If you do have injuries go to a local doctor and get yourself cleared, so you do not compound your injuries further.)

   There is the conventional bench press everyone knows about. Then there is the dead lift you may have heard about or not, and then there is the omen or gloom and doom everyone has heard of but does not want to venture doing, or scared of the consequences the "squat". These are known as the big three exercises, in order of importance squat,dead-lift,bench. a good way to start off is doing 5 repetitions a set each exercise so 2 sets of 5 repetitions starting off an exercise of less then moderate difficulty, resting between sets should be around 1-2 mins. every 2 weeks increase the weight by 5 pounds. Eat and sleep properly rinse repeat, until you reach a plateau then its back to the drawing board. Now the free weights (dumbbells), machines, and other accessories are all secondary lifts meant to do AFTER any of the big 3 exercises are done. They are to be done with more repetition and less rest.

   If you are training for strength, rules change slightly for how you would go about this. You can increase your strength without much increase in bodyweight. first you build your body to condition itself to lift the heavy weight safely so as to not injure yourself, you also want to be sure you have mastered the lift. Then you will work in the heavy set range with LITTLE repetitions, sets accompanied with LONGER rest. so 3 sets of 2-3 reps with 3-5 mins rest, the longer rest ensures you are adequately rested up to take the next set without fatigue, so you can lift the weight easier and safer with no break in form. The big lifts are usually done first, and the heaviest lifts are often lifted with the big three which is either the squat the bench, or the dead lift, these exercises also are not to be done in a single workout session as its to much work for the body to handle for most people. Often times it is rotated being done on separate days also known as a split routine. This kind of training is very important training tool for athletic improvement as it will not cause huge increases in muscles, but will provide you with strength and power if trained properly, these kind of trainings improve your ability to move your body extremely well especially if you get to the point where you can lift more times your body weight. Power lifters, and olympic lifters, along with any power type athletes train similarly and often excel in these exercises.

  Now if you are training for strength endurance you are all to familiar with this kind of weight training, many people do it, many sports require lasting strength from long battles with your competitor it is a very nice quality to have when you know you can outlast him/her. this type of training requires moderate amount of intensity of weight lifted with little rest. It is very popular for avid weight trainers because it feels psychologically like you accomplished more out of the session tiring your muscles out completely, aesthetically its also pleasing as it provides a nice "pump" where the muscles are gorged with blood, if one is to have low body fat you can see the enhanced physique, because of this it is the training of choice for bodybuilder. If you are not patient and time is money, it is efficient way of cutting down time and getting the best bang for your buck training not having to wait around and mope doing random work outs here and there like in strength training method. However to much of this can lead to injury and stagnation of potential weight to be lifted if one decides to go that route. There needs to be a balance, as its easy to get carried away with strength endurance exercises. Bodybuilders workouts can fall in this category where as they will lift sometimes till they pass out. Workouts of this caliber are 4-6 sets of 8-12 for weights, plus cardio.

 Triathletes and combat fighters and athletes, decathlete who participate in sports requiring extreme cardio endurance yet possesses elements of power and strength, do a mix of Olympic lifting with lots of high intense training with moderate weight. Combat fighters train a mix of heavy weight lifting along with endurance based exercises, as do decathletes. Cross-fit people are notorious for this but the difference is in that their philosophy is that the training is different everyday, which is not the best alternative for athletic development, as consistency is key. These exercises are made into a number of different movements made to be done in a circuit fashion, where they would do each exercise to the best of their ability under a certain amount of time. They would gradually increase in intensity as time under exercise is longer, and rest becomes shorter.

This is the basics of what one should know, feel free to ask questions or email me at for more indepth answers.