Monday, March 28, 2011

Average Joe who likes videogames

I enjoy video games as much as the next guy, but luckily for those who enjoy to watch others play or get a taste of what the game play is like, there are a few sponsored testers now in you tube. My favorite to view when i want to see what new quality games are out there, is from tester Rydar Games. He makes quality walk through with normal difficulty for one to gauge the challenge a game may be. There is no narration just the game, so for those annoyed by testers talking about whats going on, then you can rejoice. You can even ask him for future requests on games you want to see before you make the big step of purchasing it yourself.

visit for more information and you can play more games while you waste time at work or at home.

If you want to see Rydar Games walk throughs go to

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