Monday, April 4, 2011


I love boxing, it is my first love of sports. I watched it with my dad when i was a kid, and together we saw many memorable fights. That being said, I'm here to talk about the sweet left hook. I boxed for six years, I'm no expert like Freddie Roach but i can tell you the left hook is a very useful punch. A lot of people like to feint and throw the big right, or just do a 1-2 jab right combo. NO no no that is all good and dandy if your in MMA with good timing, but in boxing that isn't going to cut it in the world of the sweet science. You need to have amazing footwork and set yoruself up for a nice feint, put it all together with a good counter left hook your enemies will not even see it, even at the world stage if set up perfectly, drops opponents cold, or sends them to queer street.

We have a new rising star, the sensational Nonito "Flash" Donaire. Goddamn this kid can move, you want footwork watch his fights, you want to see fists that teleport from his waist to the guys face? Now you know where to look. The Left hook is the perfect remedy for fighters who come in with a lazy jab, or straight right. You need to attack with conviction if you don't as you start doubts yourself, your opponent will notice openings. That's when you can go in for the kill, by focusing your thoughts into the perfect timing, BOOM.

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