Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Average Joes in America, cook your cute kids good food.

I love exercise and nutrition. I'm not a health nut, but i understand the concept, i know the game and what it takes to get in shape. Americans have been to slothful, and the diffusion of responsibility among parents towards their kids is reaching it's tipping point. Pretty soon everyone is going to turn into walking balls, save for those hard-gainers, but even they are at risk when it comes to cholesterol levels. I have been following Jamie Olivers Food Revolution adventures during the first season of his reality TV show, i don't like reality TV shows to be honest because they don't have much use for it one can learn from, however i can vouch for this because this guy for one has a legitimate mission to accomplish which he managed to do in his own country of England, and a realistic approach to solving the fat problem America is under for quite awhile now. He also deals with the schools foods administration, and talks with congress members, to accomplishing what the show aims to eventually make a realization at some point. He is also in the TED conferences advocating the change that needs to be made when it comes to understanding about food in America.

Jamie Oliver is a world class chef from England, his peers I'm sure people on the west would know as the hellish tyrant Gordon Ramsay, who is the creator and center personality for the other hit reality cooking show Hells Kitchen. Well Oliver did 4 documentaries detailing the dogshit food service in schools for children of England. He changed all that when politicians viewed the films and feeling embarrassed about the nutrition curriculum in the schools quickly changed and passed bills to improve the lifestyle of families eating habits. I'm sure he felt it was easy enough more or less. So he decided to tackle the US, where that kind of change is greatly needed. Well he was in for a rude awakening.

Here i will display the second season as it only aired 2 episodes so far. Do not worry about spoilers, your not missing out from the first season, the second season takes place in Los Angelas so it is a whole new chapter.


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