Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Every Average Joe trying to hustle that money

Seems everyone these days is hustling everywhere to get that money, trying to be unique and rich at the same time throughout the whole ordeal. I like the increasing rise of individuality in people it adds character, however there is a limit to all of this. I have seen a lot of desperation from those kind of hustlers on the net trying to create blogs and effectively lose themselves mentally in trying to achieve the creation of the next facebook site. The odds of that happening is rare, and i can only envision a computer savvy individual who is relatively competent in computer tech knowledge like coding for example, to pull off a site of that magnitude.

That is neither here nor there, the point i want to make is that he first thing is you need to find a niche you love, something you enjoy doing in real life, and learn more about it so that you can apply it on a blog, or site, or video if you have some skill you want to share. It is whatever you like doing that makes you happy. You provide as much content as you can, over time you learn more and apply more you gain more knowledge, your work will feel like fun, it will feel effortless. Then you can start seeing some earnings if you stuck with it, doing the right things in the process. Everyone needs patience, it is not a virtue for nothing. Things take time to develop. People don't succeed because they quit on themselves, not confident in their unique ideas. These kind of self defeating attitudes will not get you rich online or the real world.

Right now this blog feels like a diary, compared to others out there, it is just utter horseshit. However i do this blog because i enjoy putting out contents videos, and music for others to see (if there is an audience?). Creating this blog i took initiative upon myself to meet others pursuing similar goals like mine, and together share mutual ideas and networking to learn from one another, and grow. Not to sound cliche but follow your goddamn passion, and the money will one day fall on your ass.

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