Thursday, April 28, 2011

Average Joes of America, need to know your news

Too Little Too Late Obama

Obamas administration is undergoing a shuffle to see what the new job positions can have on the outcomes of whats currently going on around the world. Leon Panetta previously worked for the CIA as a director, he is now appointed as the new Secretary of Defense. His old job is being replaced by General David Petreus who was in charge of the war going on in Afghanistan. Mike Mullen should be announced to take over Petraus general position.

Ryan Crocker a diplomat is also now assigned to be new ambassador of Afghanistan as he is more then competent for job, seeing as his previous jobs was all over the middle east like Syria, Lebanon, Pakistan, Kuwait and Iraq so he knows the countryside well.

This is to be expected, and it's been about time since they shuffled the jobs to work with, however people are worried with what the Obama administration is going to do next. They are going after more defense spending cuts, which is not good because of the current condition the deficit is under. The goal is to finish off getting all the soldiers out of Iraq, and then the following the year get all of them out of Afghanistan.

As far as I'm concerned it is to little to late, to do this now just complicates things to do at the Senate for confirmation. It Kind of feels like doing all your school works project right before it's due when you had all of 2 weeks to do it, take your time on. We will see what unfolds, Panetta worked in the Clinton Administration as budget director, later he would be the chief of staff so he is competent for the job.

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