Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Final Fantasy XIII-2 teaser trailer

This is old news by the internet standards, but i had to share with all of you lost souls who follow my crappy this video game news, on the new Japanese RPG that is coming out at the end of this year. For those that don't know the series of Final Fantasy latest installment being Final Fantasy XIII-2 is the latest in a long line of final fantasy games of the long standing franchise. I played the first Final Fantasy XIII, and it was okay but i did find it a bit to linear for my taste but it was good enough for what it was. The main protagonist "Lightening" is back with new armor, sword, and everything else with white angelic feathers. In the trailer she is confronting some mysterious rival or antagonist who dresses purple armor, with purple aura, a purple sword, and purple everything. Enjoy.

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